Bully and Luke

Hello All!

Today I have two beautiful dogs to share with you who I met while on a

walk in the Alberta Avenue community.


This is Bully with Uncle Vince


Bully is a real cutie or what?!

I next spied Luke and his owner, Diane

Luke and Diane3

Luke and Diane


Luke- what a noble brow!

Catch Ya later, with, of course, more dogs from Alberta Avenue!








I Love Lucy!

day 5

Which way will we go?!

Down 111 Avenue, up 92 Street, over to 118th Avenue??

Which way?

You stop, the fur standing straight up on your neck

It’s a rabbit!

Let’s look at the rabbit!

“Come on, Lucy” I haul you back.

Is that a kitty under that porch? Let’s go look at her.

“Lucy! Leave the cat!”

You shrug your shoulders, a begrudging O.K.

Taking inventory of your territory

You notice every change every nuance.

At home, I give you a treat and prepare to leave

Knowing that when I return

You will be on the other side of the door


Your paw over your nose

Dreaming of our next great adventure.

day 4





3o Dogs in 30 Days!

Hello All! And welcome to “30 Dogs in 30 Days!”

A compilation of dogs on Alberta Avenue. Roof, Rrroooof!

This month I have challenged myself to create a montage of 30 Alberta

Avenue dogs in 30 days. Some pictures will be accompanied by poems

and some will not. Whatever the case, I hope you enjoy them.


Ty 2                                             Ty and William


You are the smaller shadow walking beside me,

Your tags creating tinkling music to my ears,

More resounding than Beethoven

Bright as Clair de Lune

Your wagging tail, orchestrating a maestro’s furry baton

As we walk

You leading the music between us

Two companions. Two friends. Together.

Ty 4